An excellent stone for physical healing, since the moment it was discovered, Aquamarine has been used as a tool to bring wellness back to every corner of the body. As a throat chakra stone, it is hugely helpful in helping soothe sore throats, bring down swollen glands, and help with any kind of thyroid problem. It’s also a brilliant booster of the immune system, ever ready to remind the body not to overreact when it comes to hayfever and other such allergies. A rare regulator of hormones, you can always rely on Aquamarine to balance you out. As sailors need clear eyes to watch for storms on the horizon, Aquamarine is all about supporting strong eyesight and bringing life, light and vision back to tired eyes.
When it comes to keeping your mental and emotional wellness afloat, this is where Aquamarine as one of the best healing crystals truly seems to shine. The blue green coloring instantly promotes calm, bringing a wash of relief to a scorched and frayed soul. Said to hold the pale blue coloring of where the sky meets the sea, Aquamarine holds themes of reflection, inviting you to plunge in and delve a little deeper to discover your own truths. Thanks to its gentle joyous moods of balancing out emotion, Aquamarine ensures your emotions don’t seep into overwhelm. It has a powerful tendency to keep you feeling soft and balanced and soaked in emotional clarity, so you are able to set aside all judgement and be tolerant of yourself and others.
If in the past, you have struggled to keep your judgmental nature in check, Aquamarine works to build your understanding high. By piling on empathy it invites you to set your harder edges aside and makes you a little more malleable but in a way that doesn’t compromise your integrity or leave you raw and exposed without firm boundaries.
Those who have a mind that tends to surge out of control, Aquamarine brings you back to the here and now. It is an amazing stone for tempering anxiety and thanks to its super chill nature, it is often used in bringing about a deeply meditative state. It is said to a stone that holds its own well with those who have a sensitive nature. Thanks to its unraveling of confusion to get to the truth, it's also a great stone for those seeking closure on certain life events.
The Aquamarine is also called the Stone of Courage, paying homage to the inner strength and soft resilience it builds inside, not to mention its nurturing ability to help you step out of the shadows and into the light. Any form of communication that brings you fear; whether public speaking or simply stating your needs to friends and family, Aquamarine works with the throat chakra to keep your voice steady and brings strength to the soul. It’s high time for overwhelm to be washed away so you can step out into clear-headed communication and start getting the things you want in life.